Arms of the Sea Star

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Nine-Armed Sea Star (Luidia senegalensis) – Blue Heron Bridge, Riviera Beach, Fl

Canon G15, Nauticam NAG15, Inon s2000 (x2), Sola Photo 800

1/125 sec, f/8, ISO100


Nine-Armed Sea Star (Luidia senegalensis) – Blue Heron Bridge, Riviera Beach, Fl

Canon G15, Nauticam NAG15, Inon s2000 (x2), Sola Photo 800, Nauticam CMC-1

1/125 sec, f/8, ISO100

Nine-Armed Sea Stars can be found cruising the bottom at the Blue Heron Bridge.  This night, we found two individuals approaching each other, as one raised its arms upward (pictured above) in a potential attempt to gain a dominant position over the other.  Once they passed each other, I moved in to take a close up of the arms of one of the Sea Stars (pictured below), where you can see the hundreds of little yellow ‘feet’ they use in synchronized movements to move across the bottom.