Another success in capturing the Comet C/2013 X1 (PanSTARRS) encounter with the Helix Planetary Nebula (NGC 7293 in Aquarius – has been referred to as “Eye of God”)! This time the two were only 28 arcmin apart (less than a Moon diameter)! That was so close that I was able to image the pair not only in my 100mm Vixen refractor but also in my 14.5-inch RCOS with a field size of only 36 arcmin! Earlier in the evening, I had to contend with lightning storms affecting my deep-sky imaging! That’s a reality of summertime astronomy in Florida! The silver lining is that the storms can cleanse the atmosphere and leave behind transparent and steady skies. I could do without the lightning, though! – link — my narrowband images of Helix Nebula